Let the Bride of Christ in America Wake Up and fulfill their call to walk with Christ and ... BODY OF CHRIST IN NEED OF HEALING & ENCOURAGEMENT – Let us give ...WE PRAY FOR THE BODY OF CHRIST (in each of our local churches and around the world)
Prayer Points for the Body of Christ
We pray for God’s people to see our sin clearly, to be convicted by Your power, to mourn and grieve with deep godly sorrow over our sin and the sins of our communities, states, and nations.
• Call us as one body to conviction, prayer, and repentance, Lord!
• We pray that You might empower Your people to truly repent and completely turn away from every wrongdoing in our lives, hearts, minds, and motives that offends Your holiness.
• We pray for a Holy Spirit-filled core prayer team to begin to pray fervently in each of our churches – starting with ourselves.
• We pray for leaders, pastors, elders, deacons, and teachers who will honor the Bible as God’s Word and the only source of absolute truth.
• We pray for leaders, pastors, elders, deacons, and teachers in each of our churches who are men of passionate, deep, devoted, persistent, faithful prayer – who walk in Your ways and who live lives of integrity, love, honor, obedience, and truth that please You by the power of Your Spirit filling each of them. Use them to lead Your people into a deeper, richer, fuller prayer life and into much stronger faith – according to Your will and by Your Spirit’s power.
• Let us individually and corporately humble ourselves greatly before You and let us exalt You alone! Let us become less and less and let Christ become more and more!
• We pray that our leaders and congregations might become people of fervent prayer who greatly desire and hunger to know and love God and the Bible more and more.
• We pray for great spiritual growth and holiness for our church leaders and for our congregations, for us to be transformed and regenerated by Your power for Your greatest glory.
• We pray for God’s powerful Spirit of unity and agape love in each of our churches and families – that the world might know us by our love and unity.
• We pray for healing for the singles among us, that they might find Your wisdom, Your power, and Your direction. We pray for Your Spirit to radically change the mess that is the current single’s culture among believers that there might godliness, Your sense of order, beauty, goodness, and holiness restored to our singles from teenagers on up through adult singles. We pray that they might know that they are just as important and beautiful in the Body as everyone else.
• We pray for Your Spirit of unity to create one out of the two where there is a schism between singles and marrieds among us. We are all one in Christ! Human marriage will end with this life, but our bond and unity as believers in the Body of Christ will last for eternity! Being single is a good gift from God and being married is a good gift from God. One is not more valuable than the other. Let us lift one another up, love, and encourage each other.
• We pray for much healing, for unity, and understanding between men and women in Your body. We are all on the same team. Help us to love and support one another by Your power for Your glory. Remove the divisions between men and women, give us understanding of one another and let us relate to each other in ways that You desire us to by Your wisdom. Let us work together for Your kingdom by Your power living in each of us.
• We pray for the complete destruction of any racism, favoritism, hatred, cliques, or bigotry in the body of Christ.
• We pray for God’s people to live holy lives by the power of the Holy Spirit regenerating us for His glory.
• We pray that the demonic powers that are holding many hostage and in bondage in our midst, in our churches, on my blogs, and in our communities might have to flee because of the power of Jesus Christ in our midst and because we are fully submitted to Christ as LORD of ALL and then we have the power to resist the devil and he must flee. (James 4, below)
• We pray that You might raise us and other believers up in each of our churches to care for the orphans, the poor, the widows, the sick, those who are being persecuted for Christ, and the oppressed in our communities around the world. Let us love what You love! Use us to be Your hands and feet to this world!
• Lord, we yield all that we have and all that we are to You! We hold back nothing for ourselves! We seek Your face, Your will, Your glory, and Your power in our lives and in the lives of our families, our churches, our neighborhoods, our cities, our work places, and our nations.
• Increase our faith! Give us the biggest faith possible!!!! We long to be people of great faith and we trust You to increase our faith greatly, Lord!
• We pray for more workers for the harvest!
• We pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted – that You might provide for their needs and increase their faith and boldness, let many come to Christ in Syria, in Egypt, in Libya, in the Middle East, in China, in Africa, in North Korea, and everywhere where the church of Christ is being persecuted. Let many of the members of ISIS and those who are persecuting Your people come to know You and bring You great glory!
• We pray for those families who have lost loved ones who have been martyred for Christ – bring them Your presence, comfort, peace, power, love, and provision. Let us as the church around the world rally around them and embrace them, pray for them
• Prepare all of us to be faithful to You even in the face of inconvenience, discomfort, persecution, abuse, imprisonment, and martyrdom by Your power.
• Raise up prayer groups of believers in every city, town, and village around the world to cry out to You for their cities and their villages for salvation and a Great Awakening!
• We pray for divorce to be stopped among believers and for healthy, vibrant, godly marriages for Your glory! We pray for Your power to heal broken marriages and broken people that our marriages, families, and relationships might display the power of Christ and of the Gospel and that our godly, loving, Spirit-filled relationships might draw many to Jesus!
• We pray for Christian parents to set godly, holy, obedient, Spirit-filled examples of love for God and for each other and their children and obedience to God.
• Give us pastors according to Your heart who will feed us with true godly knowledge and the truth of Your Word even when it is not popular or politically correct.
• Burden our hearts and the hearts of all believers for the backslidden condition of the church, the corruption among our leaders and members, the moral decay of our people and government, and the lost souls of our people. The problems we are facing as people and nations are spiritual problems and Jesus is the only solution! Let us be on our faces – mourning the condition of our churches and our countries. Politicians cannot fix the mess we are in. Money cannot save us. The economy cannot rescue us. Changing health care won’t save us. The military cannot save us. Lord, please change us! Change our churches! Change our countries! Our greatest need is You, God!
• We pray specifically for those we know who are lost – by name, and we pray for the lost in our neighborhoods, our villages, our towns, our cities, and our countries. We fully submit ourselves to Christ as Lord and are completely available for You to use us according to Your purposes for Your kingdom.
• We pray for salvation and sanctification of our national, state, and local government leaders.
• We pray for salvation, healing, and sanctification (being transformed to be more and more like Christ) for those who have been abused and sinned against by their parents, spouses, or others.
• We pray for salvation, healing, deliverance, and sanctification for abusers – that they might come to Christ and find new life! We praise You that NO ONE is beyond Your reach, Lord!
• We pray for those around us who are addicted to and enslaved by drugs, alcohol, gambling, idolatry, false religion, lust, porn, the sex industry, greed, materialism, and every imaginable sin to hear the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to find salvation, healing, deliverance, truth, and regeneration in Christ!
• We pray for Jews, Muslims, Mormons, Hindus, Buddhists, the Sikh, agnostics, atheists, unsaved church goers, pagans, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Wiccans, and people from every religious background in every corner of the world to hear the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to find salvation, healing, deliverance, truth, and regeneration in Christ!
• We pray for many in ISIS, Boko Haram, the leaders in North Korea, those in the government in China, and all of those who are persecuting believers in Christ to be amazed by the Spirit-filled conduct, attitude, and godly behavior of the Christians they see and interact with and for You to work in many of their hearts to turn them to conviction, repentance, salvation, and regeneration just as You saved Saul and he became Paul, one of the apostles who wrote half of the New Testament and was the apostle to the Gentiles. Do the same kinds of miracles among those who are persecuting believers today, Lord!
• We pray for healing for broken families and people who are hurting deeply, that You might draw them to yourselves so that they might turn and find Christ.
• We pray for a revival and a massive movement of Your Spirit in the church in North America, in South America, in Africa, in Europe, in Russia, in the Middle East, in Asia, in Australia, and in all of the islands around the world.
• We pray for Your kingdom to advance forcefully for Your greatest glory!
• We pray for millions to come to Christ in this generation.
• We pray for conviction and true repentance. We pray for Your Spirit to bring many lost souls to new life in Christ and to continue to accomplish Your perfect will, Lord!
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