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The Great I Am- The God who Delivers

The God who Delivers

When we plead the promises of God- God answers His promises!"

2 Corinthians 1:20

For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes” ascends to God for his glory. No matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ.

All promises are YES in Christ, but they must become AMEN through us. Amen means; it is true and certain, so be it, we are saying, "Yes before God I agree with that, I believe that to be true, I want that to be so. It is truth and verity. We must take God at His Word because His Word is true and just and we must use those promises in faith when praying. We add the AMEN with our lives because a promise means nothing if we do not claim it for ourselves.

There are over 3000 promises in the Word of God and if we if we use one promise each day it will take us 8 (eight) years to use each of the promises just once. Now if Caleb lived 40 (forty years) on one promise, how many years could we live on 3000 promises? A. Gesswein founder of Revival Prayer Fellowship said: “Promises predict the answers to prayer. They are the molds into which we pour our prayers. They foretell what to expect and they shape our praying.” The promises of God should motivate, direct and determine our prayers, because we have a promise from our Savior that says we can have whatever we ask in Jesus name and in his will. This makes our prayers and intercession POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE (1 Thessalonians 5:17) When we assume our prayer position we have a great advantage because we are praying from heaven down with the answer already before us. He promises - we believe and then we act on His Word. In this way answered prayer not only satisfies us; it delights the Heart of God by fulfilling His Own Word. And this is a most important thing with God- bringing Glory to his name!

As we pray we must go to God with His own promises. As we pray for revival, salvation, healing and restoration we must look in Scripture for God's Will and then look for any promise that connects us to the answer. When the promise is found, stand on those promises, add an AMEN and expect full manifestation. Numbers 23:19 lets us know that “God is not a man that He should lie nor a son of man that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?"

Prayer is the key to Heaven, but it is faith unlocks the door. And where there is prayer, there must be faith. And where does that faith come from? From hearing...the Word of God. We must plead Scripture after Scripture, reminding God of promise after promise, pleading like a lawyer would to win his case, for God tells us to -Put me in remembrance of my word. Isaiah 43:26. As we pray during these 100 Days let us mediate, declare and proclaim the promises of God and live in the realm of expectation because He is the God that delivers.


• Luke 24:49 -Father's promise to cloth the Church with power from on high. See also Luke 11:13.

• Acts 1:8 -Promise to receive power through encounters with the Holy Spirit and to be witnesses, even to the ends of the earth.

• John 14:12 -Promise that those who have faith in Jesus will do even greater works than those of Jesus because He goes to the Father.

• John 14:13-14 -Promise of answered prayer when asked in Jesus’ name so that He may bring glory to the Father.

• John 14:27 -Promise of peace and encouragement so as not to be afraid or troubled.

• Matthew 10:1, 8 -Promise of having authority to heal the sick and cast out demons. See also Mark 16:17; Luke 10:19; and 1 John 3:8.

• Ephesians 6:11-18 -Promise for the ability to stand against the devil's schemes and his flaming arrows.

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