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Go Ye Into All the World and Make Disciples!

The Mission Continues...

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Join us in taking the Gospel around the World:

Over the next 2 years Dr. Danielle & Team Jesus will travel the globe to Pray, Proclaim and Preach the Gospel.

Click here for mission dates, training and opportunities to join TEAM JESUS

For more Pictures, Videos & Updates Click on the 50 States Updates Link Below!

We look forward to seeing YOU in your city.

We are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16)

"GO!" (Matthew 28:16-20).

As a society, America is decaying from the inside out, and God has shown me the need to embrace the GREAT COMMISSION in a new way... on the domestic mission field: America.

Why Go? Why Pray? Why America?


It is time for my people to stand up and take their place as the body of Christ. I need Godly men and women to go into the land just as I would go and breathe the breath of life into the slain once again. The church has taken a heavy blow and many have become the casualties of spiritual warfare. Pastors have fallen by the wayside, ministries have closed their doors, the five-fold apostolic ministry has diminished and families have been torn apart. But I God have a plan and a purpose and I am sending my breath into these cities to awaken my body and to bring them back to life. What man sees as a disaster I see as divine opportunity to restore the church, awaken the body and release my glory. We shall storm the gates of hell and reclaim ALL that has been stolen from God’s people.


Key Mission Points

  • Open the spiritual wells and portals that have been clogged up by Satan’s rule over North America. (Genesis 26:18-19)

  • To unearth the treasure that has been buried. (Isaiah 45:3)

  • Take from Satan his power and authority over the destruction of the U.S.A. (Genesis 1:26-28)

  • Call for the power of God to rule America (Revelation 11:15)

  • Call for God’s kingdom to reign and cover America and for His will to be carried out as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10, Revelation 11:15)

  • Bind and remove Satan’s power from over America and reclaim the nation for God. (Matthew 16:19)

Outreach & State Mission

  • Praying inside state Capitol with legislators & Capitol Pastor with Capitol Commission.

  • A night of intercession at each House of prayer in each state. Prayer & fasting

  • Soul-Winning & street ministry (prayer, healing and deliverance) giving out “Bags of Hope” to the homeless.

Bags of Hope


Help us reach our goal of giving out 10,000 "Hope Bags" to the Homeless in America! $10.00 donation per bag!

Hope Bags include: Bible, Food Voucher/Gift Card, Snacks, Personal Care items, Prayer Band with 24/7 Prayer line number on it, self-addressed stamped envelope to send us a message back, Words of encouragement.

For more information or if you have questions please call us at 1.888.519.0404

How you Can Help us, Help Others

  1. "GO" - Join the USA Prayer/Soul-Winning Team
    GO to just one state, a few states, or all 50 states.


  2. "GIVE" - Sponsor a state or give to the Bag of Hope Street Ministry Campaign.
    Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38 ESV


  3. "PRAY" - "PRAY"- "PRAY" -
    PRAY for a team member, PRAY for a state, and/or PRAY for our nation.

If you say "Yes, Lord. I will GO, I will GIVE or I will PRAY, simply click on the links above!

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